Saturday, November 29, 2008

Woke up this mornin', got myself a gun..

OK, so I didn't really get myself a gun..and it wasn't this morning, it was last week..but anyway...

The other morning, my alarm went off, as usual, around 6:30. I hit snooze twice, maybe three times...I was just so tired! I mean, exhausted! I couldn't figure it out!

I finally hauled my ass out of bed and headed for the shower. I completed my morning ablutions with my eyes closed and half asleep (mascara goes on the chin, right?). I exited the bathroom and was perplexed--it was still pitch black outside! I mean, I know the nights are getting longer, but I couldn't fathom how the time at which the sun rises could have changed so much overnight.

The next step in my pre-work routine is to check the weather and determine my wardrobe for the day--I turned on the TV and was subsequently mortified. It seems as though, whilst setting my alarm the previous evening, I had accidentally set the time to an hour ahead.

So, I was up and ready to go and it wasn't even time for my alarm to go off. My exhaustion suddenly made sense.

I went back to bed for a catnap til it was time to leave and dreamed up various nefarious ways to circumvent the powers of all the evil alarm clocks, worldwide. My revolution will commence shortly.

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