Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A Revelatory Morning

Evidently, a larger than usual quantity of existential angst spilled into my consciousness this morning...pondering my own worth (or worthlessness) is my way of wiping up the mess..or at least containing it to manageable area...

This morning I realized that I hadn't posted in here in a while.

I also realized, in re-reading some previous posts, that I really seem to have little of substance to say. This saddens and embarrasses me. Am I truly as shallow as I present myself in my seemingly petty, pointless prose?

There are several blogs that I read, regularly, and the ones that I enjoy the most are those that are personal, provocative and thoughtful...mine's nothing like that (unless questionable body odour and murderous canines inspire you..and why shouldn't they, really?).

Regardless of any niggling doubts I may have about my niche on the web (or in society), people do pester me to post more frequently. And, as everyone knows, I do try to cater to my fans...yes, fans, plural!...I know of at least 3 people who regularly read my ramblings! Ha!

Note: I have no idea why I am so alliterative today. Persistent PMS, possibly?

Anyway, I've decided, in light of the high demand, to post more frequently...even if it's simply a Kevin Smith-style regurgitation of my day-to-day activities (Have you checked out Smith's blog, "My Boring Ass Life"?...despite what the title implies, it's actually consistently amusing!)

Perhaps, by forcing myself to write something more often, I will unleash a previously untapped contemplative version of me.

Perhaps, I will become an inspiration to millions.

Perhaps my readers will become so obsessed and enamored with me, as a result of my generosity of spirit, that they will stalk me and send me vast quantities of cash via PayPal.


1 comment:

Fancy Girl said...

I just almost peed laughing at myself;
After you wrote that you have three consistant fans (see: I include myself as fan number 2) I saw that you wrote:
"Note:" I figured you were recognizing my greatness and pointing me out amongst your throngs of fans. Then I read it and noticed that I am just actually mentally retarded and you were actually writing an aside.
Also, please look at my facebook and see my new dog. His name is Rio and he dances on the sand. Also, I am still looking for the perfect coat for him. He weighs two pounds right now. It's a little bit difficult. He is like the Ashley Olson of dogs. Pint sized.