Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dear UPS...

A couple of days ago, UPS stopped by the house to drop off a package.

No one was home, so they stuck up one of those "Sorry We Missed You" tags.

They didn't stick it on the front door. They didn't even stick it on the SIDE door....

They stuck it on the plastic shed, out back, where we keep store our garbage & recycling.

Now, if the package said, "NAME, ADDRESS, PLASTIC SHED OUT BACK", I could understand the error...but in what universe does a professional delivery driver surmise that the garbage shed is the residence?

"Hmmm. Big house. Couple of doors. Hey! There's even a back patio door! Naw...

That's probably just for show...this pretty little plastic structure must be where they live...they'll never see this little tag if I put it on one of the OBVIOUS doors...."

So, yesterday, we happened upon the little tag (whilst taking out some garbage).

Coincidentally, the UPS truck pulled up just as we found it (Delivery Attempt #2).

To UPS Driver: We just found this...

UPS Driver: It's been there since yesterday!

Right. Our mistake.

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